So, my latest swap was geared for the pet lover. We crafted for each others pets.... my partner finished and sent over a week early and we've already got the package!!! She's made some marvelous things for Chloe, the least of which is not a super cosy sweater. First phot is Chloe checking out all her goodies! We got a great crochet bone shaped mat, three soft toys, a Tee for me, some stickers and a dino sweater. Not only do you all wish you had a small dog, but now you all wish you could put your small dog in a small dino sweater. Loves it!!
i like your dog so much mose now that she's a stegasaurus!
i like your dog so much mose now that she's a stegasaurus!
OMG, how cute is that sweater!
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