Picture #1
Overall awesome photograph, I would love this picture even if it weren't Dave and I, the texture and background are amazing. It's personal and delightful. Is it weird that I am pulling on his coat? And you can see the part in my hair that fell out, does that bug you?

Picture #2
I look a fraction better (no double chin, you cant see stray hair), but the veil is covering more of my face (which is both nice and distracting). It's a highly romantic moment, but doesn't have the "delight" the first one does.... a feeling that really rang true for our wedding day overall. Maybe it's too personal? (Which is what I felt about all the kissing ones, I LOVE them, but would it make people uncomfortable?)
And for a wild card....

The first shot*, but in B/W? Like I said, I wonder if the kissing is too personal to blow up for our wall (over the fireplace kinda thing). You can't see either of our faces, and I suspect the leg shape of Dave's pants may bug me.
*I think the lighting is better in shot 1 than 2, that or we are a bit small. But it is generally a fave.
#1 for sure! I love it, and to be completely honest didn't even notice the stray hair (and once you pointed it out, I looked back, and it looks natural and not out of place to me).
And I didn't notice "double chin" either. lol, you are silly.. I pick apart my photos too, but the 1st one is by far my fav!!! I love how you 2 are looking at eachother!
The first one! I didn't notice your hair, double chin, or that you were pulling on his coat until you pointed it out. All I noticed was the expressions on your faces, the interaction between the couple, and the texture contrast between the wood and your smooth dress. I love candid portraits, this one is great to enlarge.
P.S. You could easily fix the hair in Photoshop...
I agree, #1! I love that pic
I have to agree, I love #1, I never noticed any of the stuff you pointed out until well you pointed it out. I love the way the overall picture is with you guys looking at each other and your expressions....it would look amazing blown up over a fire place. (From soon2bemrsmarr)
number 1, clearly.
stray hair? what are you talking about? i love that you are oulling on his coat, which i didn`t notice, because now I think you`re saying something like, "c``mere and kiss me, baby" and you`re both cracking up. and everyone has a double chin, and nobody cares. you can`t deny the texture of that barn, and the wonderful joy on your faces. And kissing pics are kinda weird.
Definately Picture #1. I love both of your expressions. The fact that you are pulling on Dave's jacket is soooo cute and slightly naughty. The "stray hair" adds a touch of reality to an otherwise PERFECT picture. I would love to see ALL of your pictures put up around your house, but for the BIG one, I'd choose #1. Hands down.
number 1 for sure, it looks so classic and timeless!
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